
課程X 互動多媒體賞析


課程A 互動科技實務

為即將進入展場人生的學生做好準備!課程將展場與工地的互動裝置佈展實際經驗教授給學生;從硬體電子電路訊號、高頻信號分析、低頻無線RF設計、交直流電源部署、多媒體控制出發一路到雲端軟體資訊流,建構完整度高的互動裝置控制架構;在互動裝置幾乎都需要使用電源,如何建構出穩定且安全的裝置也是課程重點。此外,專案管理流程、裝置維護與進場注意事項文件也是同等重要,課程中讓學生實際編輯文案範本並使用協同軟體在建置中與創作前期、中後期同步產出需要交付展方完整度高且專業的文件。 評分標準: 提問:15% 出席15% 理解:30% 期末報告:30%

Lecturer: YSLin

This course provides integrated knowledge of making an outdoor environment that is to be complementary to the professional training in TechArt. For your upcoming exhibition! You will be prepared for your real-life exhibition challenges. Including, hardware, electric system, signal transmission, low-frequency RF transmission system design, high-frequency signal analysis, AC/DC power distribution design, and software, from multimedia mapping to information control/flow on the cloud. Constructing interactive digital artworks from top to bottom. Power distribution is a crucial factor in your digital artwork, so we will focus on this topic more. Moreover, most underrated, project management, artwork installation, and maintenance documentation are equally important. You will be equipped with producing crucial(from the beginning to the end of your project) documents in a collaborative manner for your exhibition hosts.


  1. 討論 互動科技實務主題 硬體
  2. [硬體]交直流電分析應用
  3. [硬體]基本電學/電子電路原理
  4. [硬體]電路設計思維 / 被動元件 / IC應用
  5. [系統]Linux/UNIX
  6. [系統]雲端作業系統 AWS, GCloud
  7. [軟體]展場雲端資訊流設計 ClusterServer, Websocket, CORS, UDP,
  8. [軟體]工業/通訊協議解析 ModBUS, CurrentLoop, EtherCAT,
  9. [軟體]常用燈光訊號解析 DMX, ReturnZeroCode, ARTNet
  10. [軟體]演算法思維 Coding by Math/harmonic mean/三角函數